Partner with HerbiFlix

Expand Your Reach Exponentially

Global Reach & Logistics

  • Highest Ranked Site for Natural Products
  • Serving 180+ Countries
  • Available in 19 Native Languages
  • Supporting 85+ Currencies
  • Offering 35+ Payment Options
  • Partnered with 150+ Local Delivery Services Worldwide
  • Operating 8 Climate-Controlled Hubs & Fulfillment Centers in the U.S., South Korea, and Hong Kong
  • Free Shipping to Over 50 Nations

International Marketplace Presence

  • Global Technology Support
    • 300+ Full-Time Technology and IT Support Staff
  • Global & Synergistic Marketing and Logistic Support
    • “Genuine” product reviews by actual customers in 19 languages, shared with other E-tailers of your brand via Google Shopping
    • Many potential domestic and international customers visit Herbiflix to read product reviews and then shop your brand through other channels
    • Complement your current distribution channels by giving your international customers another channel to shop your brand

MEGA (Multi-Channel Ecommerce Accelerator)

  • Grow Your Brand across your own B2C site, and across all domestic and international marketplaces!

Grow Your Brand Even Faster

  • Easy Ways to Boost Your Overall Sales

Key Features of Herbiflix's Services

  • Global Reach & Logistics: As the highest-ranked site for natural products, Herbiflix reaches customers in over 180 countries, providing support in 19 native languages, and accommodating 85+ currencies and 35+ payment options. With over 150 local delivery service partners worldwide and 8 climate-controlled hubs and fulfillment centers in the U.S., South Korea, and Hong Kong, we ensure efficient and reliable delivery.
  • Free Shipping: Enjoy free shipping to over 50 nations.
  • International Marketplace Presence: Herbiflix provides robust global technology support with over 300 full-time technology and IT staff. Our synergistic marketing and logistic support include sharing genuine product reviews by actual customers in 19 languages via Google Shopping, driving many potential domestic and international customers to read reviews on Herbiflix and shop your brand through other channels.
  • Complementary Distribution Channels: By partnering with Herbiflix, you provide your international customers with another channel to shop your brand, complementing your existing distribution channels.
  • MEGA (Multi-Channel Ecommerce Accelerator): This initiative helps grow your brand across your own B2C site, and across all domestic and international marketplaces.
  • Boost Your Sales: Discover easy ways to boost your overall sales with Herbiflix's comprehensive support and extensive reach.